Chasing the Signal
Mitch has a run in with some old associates whom he doesn’t remember, starts a small fire, and stops two black baggers from interfering with an LA gang summit. All in a night’s work.
Another Day at the “Office”
Mitch is exposed to the Enemy’s tricks, is memetically quarantined, and meets a famous rocket scientist. He also eats two cheese sandwiches.
Archie brings a suspicious cereal box to work • URIEL discusses the implications of breakfast advertising • Archie learns about an LA animation outfit called Venture Toons • Roger and Charley discuss the ways of spirits • Jocasta researches a company called Beale Farms • Mitch and Marshall visit Dixon, California
Mitch Gets Breakfast
Mitch sits down for the St. Francis Hotel’s famous continental breakfast and bumps into Richie Talbot.
Mitch Returns to Mt. Shasta
Mitch takes a hike up Mount Shasta with local guide Pete Kraus and, there, is confronted by a strange man wearing a crown.
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Roger stops a terrorist attack by the Children of Guy Debord on the 2020 RNC • Don’t worry, it’s just a simulation • Or is it? • Jocasta and Archie tussle with a kulullû • The birds descend on Dufton • Morgan le Fay arrives • Sophie loses her shit • SANDMAN mortars Long Meg to dust to save reality • GRAIL TABLE dies mysteriously
Archie and Marshall Deal with the Examiner
After the San Francisco Examiner publishes the bomber’s demand letter, Archie and Marshall invite themselves into the editorial suite to run damage control.
URIEL meets its newest employee, Jocasta Menos • And gets hooked up to ARPANET • A mad bomber with potential ties to History B goes public • Roger investigates the bomber’s handiwork at the Transamerica Pyramid • Jocasta meets some local FBI agents • Archie and Marshall run damage control at the San Francisco Examiner • Mitch finds an unusual pair of dogs and an even-more unusual plaque