Dream Journal
Would the six of you be amenable — and I would do it along with you — to keeping dream journals going forward? And any that you've had since you've started working for SANDMAN that seem especially, as I said, freighted with meaning. I feel like these could be good. This could be a good first step to all of us on working together in a therapeutic sense but also, I think, it's a legitimate form of intelligence that should be analyzed and broken down and collected and kept secure and used to help us make decisions going forward. Marshall, this new way of doing things that you were talking about. Would this fall under that rubric, do you think?
Inscribed in this large, hand-bound, rough-cut notebook that Genevieve bought from a vendor at the 1970 Northern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire (the first to be held at the Black Point site in Novato, California) is a series of thoughts from Genevieve sketched out after the disconnection with her higher self she experienced from her mushroom trip with Terence McKenna, Ev, Archie, and Jocasta:
As I look back at this experience, I find myself realizing how and why I experienced such serious depersonalization/derealization in the couple of days afterward. Here I am, ascending to the highest self I can experience, only to be flung free of the universe and into the body/bodies of these … Ladies of the Lake. My vision couldn't even agree on their name! Were they Nimue, Viviane, Elaine … nothing in the collective unconscious could agree on it. But names aside, I was a de-corporealized, liquid entity, flowing freely among the waterways of ancient Albion. So of course when I woke up in a single human body, I'd be uncertain as to who I was or whether I was actually here.
But I do think this message from the mushrooms helped me last week as I was working with clients and realizing what my role should be for URIEL. The element Water, the Tarot suit of Cups, the overflowing vastness and richness of the primordial Mother from Whom we were all born(e): when I was working with my clients at MRI, I realized that those waters were me, and would nourish and refresh those folks for years to come. I worked and would continue to work within the interstices of their relationships and families, just as I could with URIEL.
And the other aspect of the trip, my flinging a sword — the symbol of wit, cutting intelligence, planning — which become Owain's fidchell set … well, Charley, what you said that night at the St. Francis before going to the roof, it must have stuck with me. I am not just Water; I am Air as well, providing you all with the weaponry you need to … repeat what our predecessors did in provoking the Ontoclysm? (These Arthurian past lives and their involvement with the Ontoclysm are also the kinds of scenarios we could very easily re-experience with psychodrama: more Swords, more Air.) These are precisely the kinds of questions I wanted to evoke with this URIEL Dream Journal. Comment below with your ideas and feel free to write your dreaming experiences in these pages if and when you are ready!
Mitch Hort
A series of handwritten entries.
Theresa, horses, trucks with guns and cowboy license plates.
I was napping on the couch in the hallway of the basement at work, the orange one. People were arguing in the next room but I couldn't hear what they were saying, didn't know who they were, just wanted to sleep.
Playing miniature golf on a little island in a lake somewhere, astroturf carefully cut around the trees and rocks. Weathered signage indicating the hole numbers and the par: hole 1 was par 7, hole 2 was par 3, hole 5 was par 9.
Playing checkers against Yuri Geller in the break room at SCANATE. Everybody at the project is there, either in my corner (Pat, Mary-Lynn, Ingo) or his (Targ, Puthoff, and Marshall). Lots of name-calling, bluster from both sides, but Geller and I just glare at each other. We sit unmoving. Pat slaps my back. Mary-Lynn rubs my neck. Marshall whispers something to Geller. Finally Geller asks when I'm going to make a move, and I'm perturbed because I thought it was his turn to move.
Watching television: an episode of Gilligan's Island where they get off the island but life on the mainland is disappointing in many ways. Skipper and Gilligan go around and visit the others. Ginger is doing porn. The Professor is doing talk shows and people want him to do a Mister Wizard type show he doesn't want to do. Mary-Anne is married to the guy who produces Ginger's pornos and the Professor's science show. Everybody was happier before.
Walking through some big suburban ranch house that I don't recognize. It's also the URIEL offices at Livermore Labs. There's someone in another room I'm looking for. They aren't in trouble or anything, I just promised them I'd hang out with them and now I can't find them.
Outside having a picnic with Roger, Jocasta, and Charley. Rainstorm suddenly comes up, flash flooding, we run for the car but Charley is separated from the others. Jo and Roger and I run in three different directions trying to find her. I'm carried away on the water and I see she's already in the back of the station wagon, she was there all along.
Watching television: an episode of some show I don't recognize that has Bob Newhart with a soap actress whose name I don't know. They run a gas station in rural Nebraska which is the center of social life for their community, sort of a Green Acres kind of thing. Tom Poston is their mechanic. I can't follow the plot, there's a lot of talking about who was where when and who said what to whom, lots of people who don't appear on the show but get talked about.
Camping trip with Peter, Zeb, and Andy. Where are the others, we keep asking each other. We have seven tents for the four of us.
I'm working as a cop someplace wet and swampy, even though I don't have any training or credentials. I tell people they hired the wrong guy but everybody thinks I'm joking. The forest is on fire. Lots of owls hooting.
Napping in the back of the van outside Dixon like I was doing before. I can't leave the van, I try to get up and go and I'm stuck there. Bernie is outside the van, drumming her fingers on the sides of it and singing something, she's mocking me and threatening me, I'm her prisoner. I'm worried for Roger.
I’m at a movie theater with some people from work but they’re not immediately around, they’re in a different part of the building. I want to go outside to smoke, because for some reason I can’t do that inside, and the doors out are all locked. I’m annoyed, not frightened.
Up on Mount Shasta at the summit, watching the sun come up, alone. Peaceful, nice.
There’s a cat, little, gray-and-white, except there are two cats.
Watching Archie on Carson, talking about how everybody in URIEL is on Carson sooner or later. Archie tells a funny story about being attacked by a flock of birds in England. Carson makes a joke about ‘bird’ meaning cute girl. Ed laughs, he’s really drunk.
Hiking up a mountain somewhere nearby, hoping to have a mystic vision at the top. Zeb is already at the top, he got a ride with Charley in her one-man helicopter-jet-pack thing. I’m late but in no hurry, they won’t start without me.
Somehow Bernie Fry locked me up in an ice cave. It’s cold and dark and I hate it here. Fumbling around I find the thermostat. Lots of pipe banging as a steam boiler somewhere roars to life. Still dark. Frustrating.
no dreams due to modafinil.
Roger needs me to know the goldfish is dead. Also he's running a fever and has to stay home from school, which is frustrating because I have stuff I was gonna do.
There's a religious festival happening at the Unitarian-looking church next door. People in costumes come out of the woods behind my house and form a sort of parade that runs through my yard. They're all in bishop robes and black wigs and big fake black beards, even the women and kids, dressed up as some historical saint I've never heard of. Everybody's having fun, I'm applauding the costumes, even though I know I should be peeved they're cutting through without warning or permission
No pets allowed?
Driving south on I-5. There's somebody in the back seat that I'm pretending I don't know is there. I don't want to turn around and see them, it would mean a confrontation. I stop and pick up Roger by the side of the road. He glances behind me when he's getting in the car, but knows enough to act like he didn't see them, either.
On a boat, but not a real boat. It's like the 20 000 leagues ride, the boat is on a track in the shallow water, going across some big bay somewhere. It's chilly and this is the way we move the equipment.
Something about a flood.
Walking in the woods, tranquil, silence. Girl with blue eyes.
Sitting in the URIEL office reading the newspaper. I skip to the comics section where it's all Peanuts strips, two pages of them, doing one long story about Snoopy on top of his doghouse and different characters come by to talk to him: Charlie Brown, Lucy, Sally, Linus, Marcie. They're talking about Peppermint Patty, who's suing somebody or being sued, but they don't call her Peppermint Patty, they call her Patricia Reinhart which is her real name. Snoopy has his lawyer stuff out the whole time but he never gets off the doghouse.
I'm a Catholic schoolboy, uniform and everything. Trying to play ball with the other kids at recess, recess is in a parking lot full of contemporary cars, they monkey-in-the-middle me and are just relentless and I get more and more frustrated as nobody intervenes.
Watching television: a weird sitcom about a guy who runs a burger restaurant but he's also a samurai and his daughter is a ninja and Coca-Cola product placement features heavily. The actors all look weird, not like normal telegenic television actors.
Walking along the beach with Roger. Footprints in the sand.
The king is dead, huge state funeral, elves and bikers and schoolkids and fairies and hippies and army guys and monkeys and weird Orientalists types who are actually white guys in makeup. I get mad at the guys in makeup and make a scene and Anna Turner (she's part of the morticians' staff) kicks me out so Mary-Lynn and Bigfoot Pete and me all go to a honky-tonk down the street and get drunk toasting the dead king.
Atlantis sinking but it's not Atlantis.
Swan boats, fire.
I'm arguing with a middle-aged woman I don't know, my brother's ex, about sin. She makes good points and I feel bad. We're sitting on a patio under leaves that turn from season to season in a few minutes: dogwood blossoms and then summer leaves and autumn oranges and reds and then they become blossoms again. I'm drinking red wine and maybe I shouldn't be, maybe it's making it harder for me to keep up with her. She's mad because my brother left her, and she thinks it means he doesn't love her, and she doesn't believe me when I say it's because he loves her too much, it would be painful to stay with her. "Isn't it pretty to think so," she says. She's mocking me. I'm ashamed for me and for my brother.
Big lion? Maybe it was a bear
I was having a stupid fight with Mary-Lynn about nothing, I can't remember anything about it except that I felt dumb for even having it, for it being a point of contention.
She keeps waking me up, over and over again
Riding a bicycle downhill, wind in hair, no cars or traffic, no way to stop but it doesn't matter, I can fly right over any obstacle.
The Lightning-Struck Tower
Me and the Oldtimer are playing cards with Ricky Jay in the back of the roadhouse where I met Pete. Pete's our host for the evening, he bought the bar but he's cagey about where the money came from. Ricky Jay keeps shuffling and dealing the same set of hands: I have a full house, diamonds over clubs, and the Oldtimer has four aces and a king, every time. Ricky Jay says we're cheating and the Oldtimer acts like he doesn't know what "cheating" is, what the word means, it's a foreign concept to him, and anyway it's time for me to take him home.
Hospital that is also my old high school
Mary-Lynn was there but it wasn't about her.
I'm in an episode of Mary Tyler Moore, maybe I'm filling in for Murray while he's on vacation. Mary keeps coming to me to complain, like I'm Murray even though I'm not, I tell her I'm not and she's like, oh yeah sorry, then she gets right back into it. Mary's complaining about how Lou and Ted are plotting to drug her and ship her Boston in a box. She doesn't want to go to Boston in a box. Lou and Ted come in with a big wooden crate and Mary runs the other way, and they laugh and put the crate down and tell me they're just messing with her. Betty White comes in and says she's come from Boston to be Mary's replacement.
A tree in my yard is growing Mardi Gras beads instead of leaves. Archie and Marshall come over to see it and they argue about whether to put it on Carson or not. Then we get a phone call—Carson is canceled. Archie is crushed and Marshall smug.
We're all in some dumb Order of the Water Buffaloes type fraternal society which is actually a front for our illegal health insurance collective. Colombo guest-stars as an insurance investigator, we're all like, wow, Peter Falk.
Lying in bed, but it's someone else's bed?
Something about oranges.
I have shingles. They gave me medicine which is okay, I can't drive is the only thing. People act like I must be dying and I feel bad I'm not in more pain.
Our little corgi dog bites you if you try to take away her toy-which-is-really-a-thing-she-shouldn't-have. I know this is bad from a dog-training perspective but she's so little and it's so easy to just separate her from whatever she has through other means. Then she draws blood when my in-laws try to take a kid's toy from her because they don't know not to. (I have in-laws and a dog in the dream.)
My kids have to get to school, and from school, and to dance lessons at the Y, and I should be driving them but I can't for some reason, and so my in-laws are doing it. (I have in-laws and kids in the dream. Maybe the same in-laws as before, maybe not.)
Pat and Jocasta and me, we're driving someplace in a car. Jo is driving, Pat's shotgun, I'm in the passenger seat. I think it's Jo's car. She pulls over suddenly in the middle of the woods and I get out and they drive away real fast.
Chasing a cat?
I can't remember anything, which is weird, usually I can remember something even if it's only a little bit. (This is not a dream about amnesia.)
Can't remember anything, again.
The Houdini seance, shadowy
In a garden at night, in front of a huge fountain. Colored lights hung up everywhere, like Christmas but it's summertime. Jazz music should be playing but isn't.
Mary-Lynn shaved her head and now has a bright green wig, color so intense it hurts my eyes. She's disappointed I'm not more pleased with the new look. I go to URIEL and find Jocasta in a bright blue wig helping Charley get a buzz cut, like she's just joined the army. There's a bright pink wig waiting for Charley. Looking at the wigs makes my eyes water.
Waiting on a street corner for the parade. Nobody else is waiting so maybe I have the wrong day? I ask Roger if the parade is happening and why he isn't waiting and he says it is happening but doesn't interest him.
I'm watching some sitcom rerun, black and white with a laugh track loud enough to drown out what the actors are saying. Then the TV falls apart right down the middle, tearing and fraying like a cheap tablecloth. Both halves are still working, on the floor where they fell, but now they're showing two different shows, or half of two different shows. One is Have Gun, Will Travel and the other is Star Trek.
We're having dinner in a fancy restaurant and the food is weird, raw fish and rice in little roll-ups. Everybody thinks it's weird I'm not familiar with this cuisine.
Looking down from up high, land spread out under me like a map. Roads like glittering spiderwebs, forests dark smudges, lava pits and cathedrals.
Art Appreciation Day, they put me down in front of Da Vinci's Last Supper and won't let me get up until I've had some kind of revelation. I keep miscounting apostles.
Chased by masked Mardi Gras, Carnivale, Harlequin types who pelt me with bean bags
It was dark
Standing with Archie and Marshall behind a one-way mirror watching as those Hare Krishna kids get tortured to death, but I know it's all faked and they're actors, and Archie is also in on it, and Marshall thinks its real or maybe he just pretends
Zeppelins or blimps over the Golden Gate bridge
Night of Tuesday October 9th (after grilled cheeses)
He made a shield and morion ??
Of coral and of ivory
A sword he made of emerald
And terrible his rivalry
With elven-knights of Aerie
And Faerie, with paladins
That golden-haired and shining-eyed
Came riding by and challenged him
Of crystal was his habergeon ??
His scabbard of chalcedony
With silver tipped at plenilune ??
His spear was hewn of ebony
His javelins were of malachite
And stalactite – he brandished them
And went and fought the dragon flies dragonflies?
Of Paradise, and vanquished them