Secure Archives


Mission One

Feb. 13, 1973 - Feb. 15, 1973

URIEL stops a veteran of the Steve Canyon Program from initiating a history quake through blood sacrifice.

Intermission One

Feb. 16, 1973 - Mar. 25, 1973

Mitch visits Mount Shasta, Jocasta and Roger drink a lot of rum, URIEL learns what Frank DiGuiseppe intended to do at Altamont, Archie talks ad culture with an old buddy, and Marshall meets the King of Late Night.

Mission Two

Mar. 26, 1973 - Mar. 31, 1973

A local jazz-funk band’s upcoming album sets off esmological alarm bells at Operation URIEL.

Intermission Two

Apr. 1, 1973 - May 23, 1973

In which Charley gets settled in as a full permanent member of URIEL, Moore and Zeb are dealt with, and Archie and Mitch meet a Venerable Clamper at Cliff House.

Mission Three

May 24, 1973 - May 31, 1973

Summoned to different parts of the globe, Mitch and Marshall infiltrate the Carnival of Knowledge at a spooky hotel in Colorado while Archie, Jocasta, Roger, and Charley learn about predictive-history simulation in northern England.

Intermission Three

June 1, 1973 - June 24, 1973

Charley makes a new friend and “mentor” in the form of Harry Houdini’s disembodied consciousness and URIEL finally gets some of the rest and recuperation (and healing) they need.

Mission Four

June 25, 1973 - June 30, 1973

URIEL discovers a series of sinister “RFK ‘72” posters around San Francisco which lead them to a pair of science fiction authors and a sci-fi convention at the St. Francis Hotel.

Intermission Four

July 1, 1973 - July 4, 1973

URIEL debriefs after the strange events at the St. Francis, attend the annual Ransom family Independence Day BBQ, and recruit Andrew Krane and Genevieve Abeille.

Mission Five

Jul. 5, 1973 - Jul. 27, 1973

URIEL loses its librarian and investigates the inner workings – and potential ramifications – of a secret psychic testing project.

Intermission Five

Jul. 28, 1973 - Jul. 29, 1973

Roger spends his weekend bug hunting, Jocasta discovers a memeplex, Archie runs afoul of a labor dispute at the farmer’s market, and Charley gets up to no good.

Mission Six

Jul. 30, 1973 - Aug. 5, 1973

URIEL resolves to fight the SANDMAN’s own King of Kings and goes on a camping trip to Mount Shasta.

Intermission Six

Aug. 6, 1973

Marshall brings David into the fold (kind of) and Jocasta and Charley visit the zoo.

Intermission Eight

Nov. 1, 1973 - Apr. 15, 1974

The game board is re-set in the wake of Operation ALLOCHTHON and the revelations concerning the Continuity Working Group. The pieces find themselves in unfamiliar places.

Mission Seven

Aug. 6, 1973 — Aug. 30, 1973

URIEL investigates the ontological implications of children’s breakfast cereal and the weird goings-on at a mysterious “natural foods” company.

Mission Nine

Apr. 16, 1974 — Apr. 30, 1974

URIEL, newly empowered by Control, assumes jurisdiction over California, but quickly finds itself drawn into a kidnapping-turned-robbery-turned murder involving one Patricia Hearst.

Intermission Seven

Aug. 31, 1973 — Sept. 29, 1973

Roger goes solo while the rest of URIEL picks up the pieces and deals with the fallout of their failed op against Agrigenics. Also: Mitch hangs out with Bigfoot.

Mission Eight

Sept. 30, 1973 — Oct. 19, 1973.

Granite Peak mobilizes Sandman agents nationwide — including Operation URIEL — in response to a 1,500-mile long subduction event ranging across the United States.