Charley Helix
Fragments from Keeper’s Diary
Nov 3, 1965. After months of the Asset going Dark, we were successful in bringing the Bird Home. Much to Perry's relief, she is unharmed. But, unexpectedly with child. What a BITCH!
Dec 24, 1965. RAVEN is retiring — No longer fit for the field (if she ever was). Safehouse established but, HQ wants lingering eyes and ears. Jax and Perry in opposition, (no surprise there)! But I agree, she should be watched. Something is off. RUSE DE GUERRE!? You bet your ass ...
May 27, 1966. Good news? Birdy has a baby … Welcome to the Wilderness of Mirrors young one.
Dec 8, 1968. Huh, hearing odd reports from the NEST. Will need to see for myself. I wonder if Mama bird will play?
Jan 5, 1969. Still a Fucking Bitch! But, her daughter is a wonder. With the right training … But Mama could be a problem. I may need to inform PSAMETIC, then THROWAWAY.

⩴ Charley’s File
Summarized by Sophie Edelstein.
“All right, Charley Helix, last name is a code name, born 1966 to a SANDMAN agent, real name redacted, code name RAVEN, abilities discovered by mother when Charley was just under 3 years of age, manifested first as glossolalia in what was determined later to be several dead ancient and medieval languages. For obvious reasons, this set off all kinds of alarm bells with Charley’s mother and Charley’s mother’s handler. Mother and daughter were brought to Granite Peak for evaluation. SANDMAN brought in Dr. Ian Stevenson from the University of Virginia’s Division of Perceptual Studies to test Charley for … past life awareness?
Anyway, the child was kept at Granite Peak for further testing. Super-genius level IQ and eidetic memory confirmed on both Stanford-Binet and Wechsler tests. She was computer tested for intelligence, reaction time, and so forth and scored a perfect score on every test. It was later discovered through this and other interactions at Granite Peak that Charley was, and I quote, a ‘level 4 techno-empath.’ She has the ability to preternaturally comprehend and psychokinetically remotely control machines as well as tap into and decrypt electronic telecommunications with her mind." Sophie takes a moment to clean her glasses, sighs again.
“In 1971 she underwent Sandman Regimen and Renshaw Method training. Her last tested intelligence level as of two months ago is adult-level; she has received basic and advanced training in her psi abilities and in electronics skills as well as the standard suite of SANDMAN training on archeology, History B, psychology and hypnotism.
“She's a trained Sandman. It may appear to be ... fucking insane but this is the situation.”
Mission 4
Intersession 2: Add 2 Corruption from pushing I/O Tap.
Session 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH at the clock.
Intersession 5: Add 1 for wearing SANGUSH at RadLab.
Intersession 7: Add 8 for adding to Intimidation roll against spirit of girtablullû.
Session 4: Add 5 Corruption for I/O Tap at top of St. Francis.
Mission 5
Intersession 5: Add 1 Corruption for using ORACLE.
Mission 6
Intersession 2: Add 3 Corruption for Hidden Lore (Spirit Lore) roll on Elizabeth Clare Prophet / ArchanMission 6gel Uriel.
Mission 7
Intersession 6: Add 1 Corruption for using the GU.SHUB glyph in the Agrigenics basement.
Mission 8
Intersession 4: Add 11 Corruption for using Remote Control on the ALLOCHTHON lock.
Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption to Charley to Remote Control the camera
Intersession 4: Add 10-point Disadvantage (Fright Check): Delusion (Pursued By Chronos; Major).
Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption to Charley for bumping Second Chance/Transference
Session 6: Convert 25 points of Corruption to 1-point Corruption Quirk.
The Many Lives of Charley Helix
Charley’s ability to recall and re-experience past lives was studied extensively by Dr. Ian Stevenson during her time in the INDIGO Program at Granite Peak. Since her assignment to URIEL, she has manifested several past-life experiences.
☋ Charlie Ransom
Charley appears to have lived the tragically brief life of Archie and Melanie Ransom’s son, Charlie, who died in 1965.
⚭ Léontine
At the St. Francis, Charley spoke with the voice of a French woman, apparently a Parisian, who seems to have died during the Paris Commune of 1871.
Everyone knows … but few understand … the bonds placed on you from birth … when you are female … and poor. Did many of us support the Commune? Yes. We wanted liberty just as much, if not more than the men.
Oh! I see them! The Versaillais fill the streets … and the people … hide … some cheer!? I hear someone shout pétroleuse! A woman screaming, then a shot! Those on the street scatter!
I was at the Roberts house with the milk. But they wouldn't let me in! And across the street they have Mari they, they were beating her! She wasn't part of the Commune! And then, they shot her?! I had nowhere to go. I started to run with the milk-can, as a kind of shield. I ran past several distracted soldiers and nearly made it through Parc Monceau before more shouts of pétroleuse and then another rifle blast that shook my body!
I dropped the milk-can as I fell, calling for my mama … The last thing I remember was the milk pooling around me, then my blood. You ask who betrayed me? It was the rat … who eats her young. It was Paris! Paris! Who betrayed my sisters … and me.
☍ Jack Parsons
Charley recalled her life and death as famed rocket engineer and occultist John “Jack” Whiteside Parsons in her initial meeting with Genevieve Abeille at the Mental Research Institute.
☌ Owain mab Urien
Charley flashed back to her life as Owain, son of Urien, King of Rheged, and the witch Morgan le Fay. He served Arthur in his wars against the Red King and his army of Saxons. As Charley recounted to the members of URIEL:
Everything depended on this battle, it was our last chance to finally free ourselves. Arthur knew we needed help but he didn't call on great armies to try and match the Saxons. No, wisely he called upon great warriors form distant lands. Great strategists from Greece, Norway and Shangri-La. Then a great board was set and he had me play against him knowing my mother would send her ravens. And together we reworked the game until Arthur broke the chess pieces and thereby breaking the Red Kings’ enchantment.