Summarized from Marshall Redgrave’s review of the INDIGO Dossier.


The origins of the “Indigo Children” project is steeped in internal SANDMAN mystery; whether by express memetic design meant to keep their goals and budget cloaked or general "one-hand-doesn't-know-what-the-other-is-up-to" organizational opacity, it's not made clear. The records indicate that an early program akin to INDIGO started up, probably at Tavistock in London, in the years immediately after World War II. At first this prehistoric ancestor of INDIGO was meant as a way to find “whiz-kids” for the next war against the Soviets — scientific prodigies, mostly. This got filtered down from SANDMAN through the US/UK military industrial complex into Western educational systems in the 1950s: Marshall can see that the entire thrust of Cold War science education in the U.S. came out of these postwar meetings; this also allowed the U.S. to Marshall Plan the educational systems of Western Europe and orient them towards science and engineering.

Secret Schools

In the 1950s, SANDMAN teams operating out of military bases across America initiated and ran a series of “secret schools,” using esmological prediction, psychically talented recruiters, and mundane means like standardized testing, to find genius-level intellects who would also be predisposed to developing preternatural powers. A combination of cutting-edge memetics, careful exposure to Anunnaki source code, and early MK-ULTRA derived mind control methods (mostly involving Renshaw-like exposure to puzzling images and sounds meant to trigger a psychic breakthrough) were used to try and create young people who could become top SANDMAN agents in adulthood. The results of this “secret school” program were decidedly mixed, mostly because of the fact that the kids needed to be stolen from their usual schools and families at night. Successor programs would dispense with using civilian children and instead seek subjects who a) were already demonstrating signs of psychic potential and b) were able to be made into full-time residential students. For practical purposes, this meant finding parent-less children to recruit.

Project INDIGO

In 1961, SANDMAN Control signed off on Project INDIGO, its name taken from the color that SANDMAN aura-readers saw in their secret school test subjects' auras once psychic potential was activated and engaged. INDIGO’s actual “classrooms” at Granite Peak only started to be filled in the early 1960s. It was during the Kennedy administration that SANDMAN teams started to find, globally, a generation of young children exhibiting preternatural abilities, many of them 5 years of age or younger.

The first class of Indigo students, the records show, demonstrated minor reality-shaping powers and a connection to quantum energies which manifested in a variety of traditional physical psionic paradigms — telekinesis, energy manipulation/pyrokinesis, machine empathy, what have you — which INDIGO tried to teach the children to control until they reached adolescence and adulthood. It was only in the latter half of the 1960s that INDIGO changed tacks from control of the Children’s powers to expression. INDIGO records claim that a faction of both the Mass Media and esmology teams at Granite Peak caught wind of this in early ‘66 and stated that if these human assets were being planned as SANDMAN agents for the next 20-60 years, they would need to be, shall we say, "future-proofed." In other words, they would need to be adjusted to the world as it would be in the subsequent decades, not the world we lived in now. Which meant they'd need to be well-trained in high technology, media, and predictive thinking, regardless of their particular psychic profile. This faction of the Mass Media and esmology team sent critical personnel to liaise and eventually join the INDIGO team.

Marshall’s Conclusions

Marshall’s sense from all this material that the INDIGO program over the past 25 years has held itself as only interacting with SANDMAN central when it needs something — space and facilities at a military base, approval to move into Granite Peak, HUMINT and PSYINT resources to find new recruits, etc. They have operated with a shocking amount of independence and autonomy for a SANDMAN project. The names of the men who've worked to make this project come into being are heavily redacted/code named, even in the files Wycliffe was able to supply.

Marshall’s feeling is that even among SANDMAN, even with its absolutely existential mission to save History A from the Anunnaki, not many of the civilian boffins or military men who made up postwar SANDMAN liked the idea of experimenting on kids, but they understood this as a necessary evil to keep the world free and safe. Whatever individual moral reservations, SANDMAN Control and the Steering Committee kept rubber-stamping their requests with little to no debate.

Archie’s Findings

Tangential mentions of the Indigo Child program [in Charley’s personnel file] seem to focus on two things: esmological predictions that in the next 20-30 years, the power of mass media will grow, both through traditional broadcast media and through computers, such that SANDMAN will need a cadre of young people who’ve been trained from an early age to interface with said media directly, both for broad-scale memetic operations and for individual missions involving SIGINT, disinfo, electronic eavesdropping, and perhaps even narrowly-targeted memetic warfare. There’s a bit in the materials explicitly on electronic eavesdropping, and the hope that:

with [Indigo] Children taking places in important cultural, scientific, media, and political institutions in the next 20 to 30 years, that the Project will have an array of eyes and ears directly transmitting back to SANDMAN central all kinds of actionable HUMINT and SIGINT regarding enemy action within and possible infiltration of said institutions. The [Indigo] Children will be nodes of a network, centralized at Granite Peak, that will provide megabytes of raw data — textual, audio, video, and psychic — for esmological analysis.

This paragraph has been circled, in a different pen color from Sophie’s March annotations, with an exclamation point next to it. There are no mentions as to how this data will be transmitted in this section of the file.

But it’s clear from another section of the file, again annotated with a slight pen mark in the same red as the exclamation point, that the Indigo Child program is orthogonal to other efforts going on at Granite Peak right now in “man-machine interface”:

It is widely believed that by the end of the century, ordinary citizens will bear artificial and possibly even cybernetic implants to improve their lives. This can already be seen in technology leaked through Project elements at the University of Utah artificial heart research program [. . .] [Indigo] Child candidates should be found, or, if they cannot be found, trained, in all methods of cybernetic and technopathic psi abilities and/or mental acuity. With the implantation of direct man-machine interfaces, the [Indigo] Child can have an innate understanding of and mastery over technology and provide opportunities for remote viewing and/or (personality) control and adjustment. Cross-reference with Operation PALE RIDER.

The last two words has a Sophie circle and a question mark next to it.