The field team files their reports following Frank’s grisly demise, while Marshall runs memetic ops to cover up the incident.
Papa Legba saves Jocasta from an explosive situation • URIEL hones in on Frank • And find school bus route maps in his apartment • Marshall spots Frank at a depot • Roger and Mitch are in pursuit! • Roger runs into car troubles • It’s a high speed chase through downtown San Francisco • Mitch incinerates Frank with his mind
URIEL makes haste to apprehend Frank DiGiuseppe at the Empress Hotel in Chinatown. Instead, they find themselves in a potentially … explosive situation.
URIEL finds the bomber’s father in Pittsburg, California • Turns out he’s possessed by an ekimmu • Mitch freaks • Archie conducts a rare interrogation-by-puppet • RIP Armando DiGiuseppe • The team scrambles to find Frank • Marshall handles an on-air call with the bomber
Mitch meets the bomber’s father, Armando DiGiuseppe, and learns he is host to a dangerous viral information-demon known as an êkimmu.
Jocasta reveals her discovery that the mystery bomber is a former Air Force pilot • Archie takes a call from Dr. Frank Stanton • Mitch tells the team about Emperor Norton • They’ve never heard of him • Mitch is flummoxed, not for the last time • URIEL prepares for a trip to Pittsburg, California • Mitch has a truly disturbing encounter with an old man
After the San Francisco Examiner publishes the bomber’s demand letter, Archie and Marshall invite themselves into the editorial suite to run damage control.
Mitch and Roger poke around the Transamerica Pyramid to see what they can learn about the mysterious bomber.
URIEL meets its newest employee, Jocasta Menos • And gets hooked up to ARPANET • A mad bomber with potential ties to History B goes public • Roger investigates the bomber’s handiwork at the Transamerica Pyramid • Jocasta meets some local FBI agents • Archie and Marshall run damage control at the San Francisco Examiner • Mitch finds an unusual pair of dogs and an even-more unusual plaque