
Former agent of the Anunnaki, sent to History A in the early 1920s while still a young man to eventually mentor E.L. Moore and pave the way for the irruption of the West Oakland Kusarikku. He spent the next 50 years weaving himself into the Black community with the aim of fostering Moore’s musical abilities. Life in History A was not kind to him; unable to wholly adapt to the alien landscape of mid-century American life, he descended into alcohol abuse and quasi-homelessness. By the time he came to the attention of URIEL, Zeb was a frail old man, whimsical and strange, who spoke in cryptic phrases and fantasized about his life in History B.

On the eve of the Mansa block party, Marshall traveled to Granite Peak to interrogate Keiner again, concerned – based on one of Mitch’s Tarot readings – that URIEL had left some element of the Annunaki’s plot uncovered. He found there that Granite Peak had tortured Keiner to the point of near collapse. With a bit of hypnotic prodding, however, Marshall was able to determine from Keiner’s suppressed memories that the Red Kings had long ago dispatched a deep cover agent to History A to assist in their efforts: Zebulon.

Mitch, Roger, and Jocasta abducted Zeb from Moore's home in Oakland on the eve of Mansa's album debut block party. Once at the Barn, Zeb played a song on his guitar for Charley – a catchy tune from History B that was wholly unfamiliar to the team. At Charley's prompting and with Mitch’s assistance, Zeb went on to play several more unrecognizable melodies which the team taped on a reel-to-reel recorder. Fearing that his colleagues were now infected with a memetic virus native to History B, Marshall hypnotized Mitch, Roger, and Jocasta into forgetting the tunes they heard, but left Charley “untouched,” believing her training as an Indigo Child would inure her to any harm associated with Zeb’s music.

After URIEL thwarted the irruption of the Kusarikku at the Mansa block party, the team delivered Zeb to the Mission. There, Marshall brainwashed him using the CCRME into believing that he had served in Europe during World War I, and that his memories of History A were merely delusions created by shell shock and years of drug and alcohol abuse. Now, Zeb works at the Mission as a gardener. He can still play a bit of guitar.