Peter Mt. Shasta
(né Kraus)

Illuminated drifter-turned-hiking-guide-turned-apostle of the I AM movement. Mitch and Roger first met Pete at a Mexican restaurant outside Mount Shasta. Later, Pete got steady work with a local excursions concern, in which capacity he served as Mitch’s guide on his hike to the top of Mount Shasta, there to be enthralled by the Comte de Saint Germain. The encounter had a lasted impact on Pete: he subsequently fell in with Pearl Dorris and her peculiar brand of Ascended Master theology, changed his name, and quit his job as a hiking guide. Now he works part-time at a local health food store. Mitch refers to him as “Bigfoot Pete” because he is.

So just to give a little behind-the-curtain explanation of the Bigfoot motif between Mitch, Pete, and the Illuminated; once a few years ago, I feel like it was right before we kicked the campaign off, I read somewhere — could have been maybe somewhere in John Keel, could have been an interpreter of Keel, could have been Vallée or one of the paranormal blogs I have on my Feedly or somewhere utterly unrelated — that the reason why we perceive the ultraterrestrial we know as Bigfoot as being covered in hair is that the hair isn't hair; it's the visual aftereffect of his ultradimensional/quantum uncertain state. Those tendrils are just possible directions in 3 and/or 4 dimensions where he could be. Like a displacer beast, let's say. And I was just so taken with that idea that when it came to Pete's trying out a form of "remote viewing" when he first came to the mountain (remember, the mountain itself can empower psis), he saw Mitch with those tendrils of spatial possibility sort of leading off of him. (And of course let's not forget Archie's granddad's Mormon apostate view of Bigfoot as "Cain," who chose to wander the Earth after a primal betrayal... a clear indication of the Illuminated "thing"). So yeah, this whole motif is a mishmash of Bigfoot theories, Shasta lore, and other far and wide explanations for the mystery of the sasquatch.