
Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant


Archie, Mitch, and Marshall receive an esmological briefing • Jocasta, under cover, meets Donald DeFreeze • And makes secret arrangements to subvert the SLA • Marshall and Mitch investigate Roger’s whereabouts • They find a duffel bag full of iPhones • Also: Roger, malnourished and worked to the point of exhaustion in Charley’s old lab • Harry Houdini says hi

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Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant


Flash forward to 1974! • The abducted heir to the Hearst fortune commits bank robbery • And the Bohemian Club has a fire • URIEL-SF scrambles to action • Mitch stumbles upon … Ambrose Bierce at Mt. Shasta • URIEL-LA considers workshopping a new Andy Krane vehicle • Coincidences abound • Roger is still missing

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Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant


Roger returns from his month-long op at Granite Peak • But is uncertain if his penance has appeased his loa patrons • The Librarian’s also back! • Gents, she’s a whole new woman • URIEL learns a bit about Sophie’s experience at Project THROWAWAY • Jocasta leaves work early • And has a weird run-in with Patrick Price

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