Status Report

April 16, 1974 | Tuesday

On the evening of Tuesday, April 16, Sophie calls in to say that Jocasta has been by Roger's apartment and not found him at home, and through the coded report on the call, Jo is concerned for Roger's safety. Sophie didn't get much more than that. Sophie also has the Elsie Martínez oral history mentioned here couriered over from Berkeley.

Dave reports in from Shasta and says everything is under control. Daniel Miller has decided to stay in an inn in town. Peter Mt. Shasta has been debriefed and Dave reports back that Peter believes that Daniel is another member of the "secret brotherhood" that Mitch, Peter, Dod, and Nola Van Valer belong to. Peter told Dave the following:

"If you're reporting to Mitch, tell him that I think Dan is a good egg. We rapped about ecology and how beautiful it was around here and how Dan came up here to make sure the world is healed. I told him that's what Mitchell and the other teachers at this school are trying to do. Dan said something about 'I couldn't go work for the Man now, after what I saw in September.' When I asked him what he saw, he said he had a mystical experience, an out-of-body thing. Felt like a heart attack. When Dan came to, it was like he could see something extra, something more. And then yesterday he felt called to Shasta, in a vision."

John Merrick's team of esmologists will be working late into the night on a report for Archie and Marshall on the esmological impact of the SLA's activities over the past 48 hours; Merrick requests a meeting at Kearny tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 9 am so we can make memetic decisions before the Wednesday late editions of the Chronicle and the network nightly news goes out. Mystic Kate will dial in from Los Angeles to discuss any memetics that need planting in the weirder quarters of media (conspiracy theorists, occult publishers, call-in radio, etc.)

Right around the same time (9 am Wednesday) Jocasta will be doing her first daily check of the dead drop that the SLA has set up.

Sophie remains available for historical research on any of the Crowd including London, Sterling, Martìnez, Bierce, the Bohemian Club, W.R. Hearst, etc. If there's anything anybody wants researched before tonight's session, let me know and I can get Sophie on it.


A Wine of Wizardry

