Mitch Tests His Ontology
“Question on his mind is, how accurate is his latest model for understanding the universe? History as palimpsest, Ontoclysms all the way down, the Red Kings themselves the product of retrocreation. All history built to after-the-fact justify the Owls' reign.”
Jocasta’s Poster
Jocasta coat-drags for Alpha Leonis at her bookshop and has a tense (in more ways than one) chat with Mystic Kate.
Marshall Prepares For The Grove
Marshall prepares for his and Archie’s visit to Bohemian Grove by pondering Governor Reagan, serendipitously meeting with a fellow psychopharmacologist, and testing his tek in Union Square.
News Blips
Three news articles showing the aftermath of Nixon’s resignation and of URIEL’s work in the political/pop culture spheres.
Jocasta’s Sketch
In an attempt to jog her memory about her acid-tinged encounter with the businessman who intercepted her drop to the SLA, Jo heads back to the City to recollect his face and make a sketch.
Sophie’s Report on Rosebud
Sophie brings news from the Rosebud Reservation on a recent federal incursion and a purported resurrection of the Ghost Dance.
Gone Fishin’
Pat Price visits Mitch on Mount Shasta and the two Seers end up Seeing quite a bit in fact.
Mitch’s Personnel File
Marshall does some, sigh, READING as he unlocks the mysteries of Mitch’s interactions with ISOCLINE.
Contemplating Opposites
"Regardless of the score you are rolling against, a roll of 3 or 4 is always a success, while a roll of 17 or 18 is always a failure."
Jocasta and Patricia: An Epilogue
Jocasta debriefs Patricia on her life options now that she’s joined URIEL