Secure ArchivesObjects

Enemy Glyphs (Seized)



Various; see descriptions

Current Location
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory

Over the course of 1973, Operation URIEL has seized several glyphic objects drawn by various adversaries. Below is a summary of their provenances and power.

Mission One

  • SHEG (“Obey and agree”) glyph from Frank DiGiuseppe’s letter to the San Francisco Examiner drawn at Symbol Drawing (Anunnaki)-15. Currently in URIEL’s secure storage. Newspaper copies of the glyph were less powerful due to shoddy newspaper reproduction.

  • NAM.HILI (“Fascinate”) glyph drawn in black magic marker on the back of t-shirt worn by Armando DiGiuseppe at Symbol Drawing (Anunnaki)-15. Currently in URIEL’s secure storage after Armando passed away in URIEL’s ambulance.

  • SHEG (“Obey and agree”) glyph amidst Frank DiGiuseppe’s possessions drawn at Symbol Drawing (Anunnaki)-15. Currently in URIEL’s secure storage.

Mission Three

  • ANZIL (“Disgust”; new, previously-unencountered glyph) found inside the GRAIL TABLE simulation and used by Joshua at the behest of terrorists, presumably generated by Morgan le Fay, encoded in the simulation at Symbol Drawing (Anunnaki)-18. Currently in the simulation files of ORACLE in Charley’s lab.

Intermission Three

  • KI.AG (“Love me”) glyph inscribed on a small stone carried by the Comte de Saint-Germain at Symbol Drawing (Anunnaki)-16. Currently in Mitch’s possession.

Mission Four

  • UKU (“Sleep”)-plus glyph inscribed by Carl Fletcher on his letter to Andrew H. Krane at Symbol Drawing (Anunnaki)-13. Currently in URIEL’s secure storage. It resembles the usual UKU glyph but includes other glyphic information around it; modified cuneiform characters which convey information in the Anunnaki source code (in order to use this glyph properly, the inscriber must have knowledge of Sumerian at Literate or better). The letter to Krane read:


If you are indeed the one who ends up reading this, we apologize sincerely for approaching you this way and with these words. This is not how we wanted this to happen. But you are the only one that we know we can trust. We think we know the way to the United States of the Atlantis Risen trilogy, and we think we know how we can defeat Atlantis's disgusting magic, its hivemind filth, forever.

We have access to a particle accelerator, and [UKU-PLUS] if you’ve now awoken you should understand what we need you to do to help us. We know American Magic as well, you see ... in our world.

Mr. Krane, President Kennedy and MARPA do not deserve to lose this existential battle for survival. With our collective knowledge, we can go there and help, well, us win, we can give MARPA the secret to collapsing waveforms on a mass historical scale, we can terminate the timelines that fed into Atlantis’s revival before they even existed, and ensure that Atlantean magic dies forever at the bottom of the Caribbean, buried under the Bimini Road. You can be America's savior. And then we can all stay there, in the paradise you designed, away from this world that's falling to “Atlantean” forces more and more every day. With the combination of American technical know-how and American Magic, we can explore and colonize the solar system, and the stars beyond them! But we need your mind to guide us there.

With your help, sir. Only your help.

We’ll be seeing you.

Your fans.

The UKU-Plus glyph allows a single suggestion to be placed in the subconscious of the UKU victim while they sleep, just as if the inscriber were using the Hypnotism skill on the viewer of the glyph. (The inscriber uses their Symbol Drawing skill, not the glyphic technique, as the Hypnotism skill; the viewer resists with Will.) When the UKU-Plus viewer awakes and if they have lost the Quick Contest against their Will, they will attempt to fulfill the suggestion (or be vulnerable to the inscriber's posthypnotic suggestion trigger).

Inscribing this glyph costs 1d+1 Corruption, using it without inscribing it costs 2 Corruption.

  • KI.AG glyph found on the bodice of “Queen Minerve,” inscribed at Symbol Drawing (Anunnaki)-16. Seized by Agent 00 and currently in URIEL’s secure storage.

Mission Seven

  • GU (“Eat”; new, previously-unencountered glyph) found on boxes of Tasty Acres cereal, drawn and printed at Symbol Drawing (Anunnaki)-10 (14 if viewed through the red plastic glasses provided with Tasty Acres). Tasty Acres’ test marketing ceased after the disappearance of Chris Butler and Agrigenics’ sudden collapse in October 1973.

  • GU, HUL (“Delight”), and NI.NGI.NA (“Truth”) all drawn on separate pieces of thick cardboard by Bernadette Fry at Symbol Drawing (Anunnaki)-16. Current in URIEL’s secure storage.

Mission Eight

  • SANGUSH glyph seized from Anthony Barnes Reinhardt following the confrontation with members of the Continuity Working Group at Operation ALLOCHTHON, drawn by unknown party or parties at Symbol Drawing (Anunnaki)-19. Currently in the possession of Marshall Redgrave.