URIEL reassembles • And quickly splits up again • The field team investigates the site of a future controversial landmark in Georgia • Marshall has a conversation with Mystic Kate • OPEC declares an oil embargo • The field team arrives in Newark, Ohio • Jocasta finds herself at the other end of a causal time loop
Status Report Two
Operation summary report from ALLOCHTHON central command for the morning of Wednesday, October 10, 1973.
An Acid Trip to Nowhere
Marshall convinces Archie to try something different in an effort to resolve an incipient subduction zone. It doesn’t work.
Status Report One
A review of where things stand in the Cold War against the Kings as of Tuesday, October 9, 1973.
Archie and Marshall blanket the Columbus noosphere with patriotic memetics to sedate a nervous populace • Jocasta tells Charley what she’s learned about southern Illinois • Charley investigates the Kincaid mounds • And invents motion-detection technology • Then she travels into the Deep Astral • Mitch bears witness to a mass proxy baptism, of sorts
Marshall and Archie at Point 7
Marshall and Archie introduce themselves to their assigned team in Ohio, and then visit a cornfield with bad vibes.