
Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant


URIEL convenes to discuss their next moves • Problems are categorized by degree • The decision is made to recruit Patty Hearst • Andy pitches a treatment to Archie • Jocasta helps put Elsie at ease and learns a bit more about the Bohemians • Roger attends a gang summit in South Central • Mitch picks up radio interference … on a laser mic?

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Mission Four, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Four, Live Session Brant Casavant


URIEL implements the Atlantis LARP • The con divides into teams • Viv — sorry, the Council — gives a stirring speech • Archie, as Director Sebastian Stone, delivers some wise words of encouragement to his agents • Jocasta — Maurdunn — meets Terence McKenna • Marshall babysits Andy with the cavalry • The teams explore the warped reality of the upper floors

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Mission Four Brant Casavant Mission Four Brant Casavant

Archie Recruits Andy

“But I have to say they weren't my cup of tea, Abeille's books, I mean everything in them is all … squishy and strange, you know? Plus I think she's misread B.F. Skinner.”

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Mission Four, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Four, Live Session Brant Casavant


URIEL figures out Carl and Richie’s nefarious plan • Mitch and Roger race to apprehend them • And get blasted through the door by an ersatz ikoter-shotgun • Jocasta takes Andy into involuntary protective custody • Viv gives her keynote speech and reading from her new book • The crowd loves it (they have no choice, she uses NLP) • Mitch and Roger get to the con floor too late • It all goes to shit

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Mission Four Brant Casavant Mission Four Brant Casavant

Charley’s Nightmare

“Morgan le Fay is here, and she looks like Charley's birth mom but nine feet tall, with great black iridescent raven's wings rising above her graceful bare shoulders. ‘Wake up, dear heart. A new world is coming, and you and your Kings are powerless to stop it.’”

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Mission Four, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Four, Live Session Brant Casavant


Roger infiltrates the ranks of the St. Francis’ staff • Jocasta briefly tours her first sci-fi convention • It’s not her scene • Mitch sets up audio surveillance for Viv and Andy’s suite • Archie, Andy, and Viv attend a VIP party • Archie and Andy meet, and have a strange conversation • The field team, plus Charley, evaluate the Magneta Clock

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