OZYMANDIAS is the nickname given by Operation URIEL to the conspiracy within Project SANDMAN that called itself the “Continuity Working Group.” URIEL took the name “OZYMANDIAS” from Andrew Krane’s Atlantis novels; in the parallel world of Krane’s books, a faction within MARPA — the United States Magical Advanced Research Projects Agency — called itself Ozymandias, in reference to the poem. Krane’s Ozymandias:

had taken predictive precognitive magic and psi seriously and looked at the long-term prospects for America holding out against Atlantean hegemony and found those prospects... wanting. It was clear in the next 50 years no matter what weapons MARPA brought to bear, no matter how many enemy agents or tactics or magical spells they re-wove into American thaumaturgy, that by the year 2020 or so, Americans would be begging to be ruled by the Atlanteans. The American lifestyle of consumerism and military adventurism and mind-control-through-media, said these men of MARPA, was simply unsustainable in the long term. Likewise, any mitigation methods would simply delay the date by a couple of decades.

This faction's perverse reaction to this news was to propose that MARPA get behind a controversial plan: to accelerate the decay of American society, to turn all the identified factors in decline — extractive consumer capitalism, social decay and distrust, overall physical and spiritual misery — up as much as possible to force a choice. Much like the "first strikers" in our timeline who believed that America could survive and thrive after a "limited nuclear conflict" with the Soviets, these MARPA men thought making an America ready to shatter under societal and cultural and magical pressures would create a new, better America, a spartan nation able to reclaim its real legacy from Atlantean subversion and create a new ruling class, made coincidentally by these men of MARPA and their corporate allies, to rule over the ashes like feudal lords.

The “real” OZYMANDIAS first came to URIEL’s attention when they confronted Andrija Puharich about Uri Geller and the reality-destabilizing activities with which they were involved at the Stanford Research Institute.

During Operation ALLOCHTHON, after their confrontation with Sidney Gottlieb, Jolly West, Lt. Col. Anthony Barnes Reinhardt, and Frank Stanton, URIEL gained access to a trove of records and files concerning OZYMANDIAS, its goals and operations.

Excerpt 1

Continuity Working Group Mission Statement

The purpose of Operation ALLOCHTHON is to test the current prevailing Primary Survival Contingency Plan of the Continuity Working Group (approved at CWG summit 6 Jun 1973, Ossining N.Y.): the theorized survival of individual redoubts of our current historical spatio-temporal reality within an ontosphere that has otherwise reverted to a pre-Ontoclysmic state (a.k.a. "History B"); in other words, the maintenance of stable "subduction zones" of History A within a larger History B.

The preponderance of esmological data gathered since the end of the World War II indicates a clear, accelerating pathway to a "Point Omega" (see Teilhard de Chardin, 1955): an inevitable combination of global population explosion, environmental degradation, mass media memetic interconnectedness, and a concomitant resulting pan-societal decadence, exhaustion, entropy, and collapse leading to a return of the Anunnaki to rulership over the planet (see also: Vogt, 1948; Osborne, 1948; Hugh Moore Fund for International Peace, 1954 et al., Draper, du Pont Copeland and Moore/Population Crisis Committee, 1965; Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1968; Accademia dei Lincei/The Limits to Growth, 1968-72; Operation GRAIL TABLE Final Report, 1972-3; Operation URIEL, Mission Record 73.3). In the face of this inevitable global collapse of the postwar order, all of the safeguards, technology, and anti-Anunnaki countermeasures implemented by Project SANDMAN since its institution will be for naught, lost in a wave of ontological reversal. In order for some number of this reality's humanity, even if a tiny remnant of trained Sandmen, to survive this erasure of history, contingency plans must be made in all haste.

Observational data and experimental results have demonstrated that a strong, focused locus of steady, unipolar memetic belief and flow can hold a subduction zone's boundaries at relative stability, neither shrinking to null nor expanding until arrested by countermemetic defenses within a wider given population (see also: Operation AGATE, 1961; Operation UBAR, 1967; Operation URIEL, Mission Record 73.4). The key to maintaining stability is threefold: 1) absolute internal socio-memetic stability and control, 2) population isolation and other geographical/para-architectural glyphic countermeasures, and 3) empowered psis trained in active measures to reinforce the structure of reality over a large enough redoubt to enable small populations of survivors (under the "primitive H-G limit number"/human neocortical ratio number of approximately 150 persons, see Service, 1962; Forge, 1972; West, 1972) to exist in memetic and ontological homeostasis and avoid implanted hierarchical Anunnaki neurolinguistic programming that could infect the redoubt. To this end, using records from Special Assignments Office research into pre-Columbian populations on the North American continent and these peoples' engagement with History B/their survival after the traumatic transition of the Ontoclysm, we hereby initiate Operation ALLOCHTHON as an active measures experimental test of the Primary Survival Contingency Plan/the "Ossining Summit Hypothesis."

Excerpt 2

Background, History, Memetics
Operational Parameters (Reasoning for)
Subduction Zone Selection Criteria

Part 1.

Much of Project SANDMAN's and predecessor organizations' research into the existence of History B over the past near-century has been dedicated to understanding the parameters and implications of "subduction": the paradoxes and ontological conflicts that occur when History B energy comes into contact with History A. These subduction zones are fundamentally all unique, each one being triggered, stabilized, grown, or shrunk due to a matrix of historical, memetic, esmological, and physical stimuli and circumstances. They are also known to produce pragmaclasts, more colloquially referred to in the Project as "reality shards"; historical objects that exhibit unusual properties due to their proximity to the subduction of History B underneath History A.

The events that led to the Ontoclysm, the event which retroactively created a new human history in approximately 535 AD, are still largely unknown and only theorized. But it has been proven through numerous Project archeological and historic investigations that the impact of the Ontoclysm was more pronounced on the Afroeurasian landmass than in the Americas. Whether this is due to the Anunnaki having had less of a linguistic, memetic, or cultural imprint on the human inhabitants of the Americas, the smaller overall population (and lesser population density) in the Americas than in Afroeurasia, or to some other, as-yet-undiscovered element of History B pre-Ontoclysm is still a subject of controversy. Nevertheless, it is clear that a historical rupture did occur in the Americas in the 6th century AD, just as it did in Afroeurasia; however the nature and severity of this rupture in the Americas was radically different. A marked shift post-Ontoclysm from hunter-gatherer to settled agricultural social patterns has been observed in the Native populations of America (i.e., the transition from the Middle Woodland to Late Woodland periods; see McKern 1939); this does seem to indicate that Annunaki-derived memetics of rulership, kingship, agriculture, urbanism, and priestly magic attempted to settle into the many populations of the Americas post-Ontoclysm.

In the Middle Woodland period (which, as pre-Ontoclysm history, should be considered ontologically suspect), Native groups, especially the Hopewell culture (Moorehead, 1892) underwent an intense two-century period of mound-building, spreading this meme far and wide between the Mississippi Delta and the Great Lakes. Mounds were also built in Late Woodland and Mississipian settlements, but not at the density and ritual/memetic intensity as in pre-Ontoclysm "history." It is therefore believed that these mounds have something to do with the way the Ontoclysm settled over the North American continent. The mounds themselves have largely proven themselves a maddening conundrum for both non-SANDMAN and SANDMAN archeologists. Some have purely material functions (as stockades, forts) while others have a ritualistic function (burial, astronomical/calendrical, spiritual/apotropaic). But their placement within the physical landscape and the preponderance of ritual-themed mounds found in the "history" prior to 535 AD suggests a similar function to so-called "sacred" architecture, landscape engineering, and/or geometry meant to either hedge in Anunnaki irruptions or supplant god-worship memetics directed at the Anunnaki with memes that inculcate resistance to Anunnaki worship. Pre-European-contact mounds also have historically contained a very high proportion of reality shards, indicating they were/are/will be on the extreme edge or "high tide mark" of past, present, or future subduction ripple events (see Operation URIEL, Mission Record 73.4).

After examining the distribution patterns of native mounds, it is the theory of the Continuity Working Group that these mounds are the remnants of psychic resistance to Anunnaki memetics and that their presence prevented a full "colonization" of the post-Ontoclysm Indian mind by Anunnaki memetics prior to European settlement. In this, at least, the long-discredited meme of "the noble savage" was right.

Part 2.

Subduction zones will be triggered by using high-altitude electromagnetic pulses, operated and directed from stealth aircraft, calibrated at frequencies identified at past irruption events, precisely aimed at the twelve locations identified on Map A as having the highest probability of ontological stability thanks to the presence of pre-Ontoclysm mounds and earthworks. Important note: if any evidence of true irruption begins at any of these twelve points, aircraft will be deployed to direct pulses to reverse and close the subduction zones immediately. In addition, growth of the subduction zones thanks to esmological/mass-psychological forces should be arrested by the overall domestic memetic atmosphere of geopolitical (and eschatological) uncertainty triggered by Plan BADR and Operation NICKEL GRASS. Aerial phenomena witnessed by civilians will either be explained away as secret airlift flights to Israel or covered under secondary experiment LEMURIA (see below).

Secondary experiment LEMURIA: A secondary finding from the Ossining Summit was the need for an overall memetic atmosphere of self-actualization, human potential, and mystic-apocalyptic thinking to grow in the American populace to produce a larger population of true psis for the eventuality of Point Omega. In an effort to prime the American people for the coming changes in the lead-up to Point Omega, the Continuity Working Group has decided to utilize the primitive "alien contact/abduction" memeplex implant (see Mead 1973) to produce more spiritually and psychically aware subjects and epigenetic lineages for eventual use in the Primary Survival Contingency Plan. To this end, SANDMAN low-altitude stealth helicopters have been fitted with wide-array ikoters to stun and capture American civilians who will then be plied with post-hypnotic suggestions and memetics detailing an esoteric encounter where "alien" entities inform the civilians that they have been chosen and must now be responsible for the survival of their planet and species from environmental/nuclear doom. These traumatic abduction memes should have two wider esmological ripples: 1) esmological predictions indicate they will increase the wider acceptance of "New Age" memetics in the middle-American populace outside of the younger generation living on either coast, and 2) they will act as memetic blind alleys to distract from any History B blowback which might occur during Operation ALLOCHTHON; while we are piggybacking on Anunnaki programming by using the alien contact meme, NLP elements in the abduction experience will serve as memetic inoculation from History B manipulation.

Excerpt 3

Personnel Assignments and Experimental Observation Imperatives

Throughout the first phase of Operation ALLOCHTHON, observational data will be gathered on the stability of the twelve subduction zones. This will dovetail with existing SANDMAN protocols for a mass subduction event. Taisher trained or taisher equivalent personnel will be assigned to each zone's field team to watch for sudden changes in the ontological status quo. CWG observers at ALLOCHTHON HQ in Huntsville will use high-altitude surveillance to track changes both visual and electromagnetic. In the event of any evidence of irruption, a cover story will be deployed for non-CWG-aligned personnel and the zone will be closed, as mentioned previously. Taisher personnel who witness said irruptions and in the process discover the true origin of the subduction zones should be ready to be debriefed using any and all available protocols including: psychological isolation, interrogation or technical interview, and up to and including cerebral surgery. (Utilization of THROWAWAY assignment has been approved for this operation by Control.) In addition, internal memetic inoculation to draw Project investigators away from any investigations of the pre-Ontoclysm mound builders will be set loose at ALLOCHTHON HQ in the first 12 hours of the operation.

Personnel summary: The Continuity Working Group essentially has two tiers of membership. At the top are the CWG Steering Committee: these are individuals in the Project fully clued-in to the CWG's purpose and mission, who have the ability to make executive decisions in the field to further CWG goals, etc. The members of the Steering Committee on-site at ALLOCHTHON are Sidney Gottlieb, Jolly West, Anthony Reinhardt, Wernher von Braun, and ALLOCHTHON's head of joint military operations, US Air Force Lt. Gen. Samuel C. Phillips, who has been shuttling back and forth between Huntsville, Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, and Keesler AFB in Biloxi the past week. Technically both Air Force and Army special forces are under his command for this mission, but in actuality the ground commandos have been under the de facto command of a CWG-aligned US Army Captain, Thomas Prentice.

CWG-aligned personnel are in the records as either trusted allies of or under the direct command of the Steering Committee of the Continuity Working Group. These Sandmen are clued-in to the mission of the CWG in various degrees; the impression Archie gets from the descriptions in their dossiers is that some CWG-aligned Sandmen think the CWG is a highly-secret skunkworks for experimental memetics and technology, others think it's an internal affairs-type ad hoc group meant to "watch the watchmen," and a few, like our friend Mystic Kate, actually believe the Group's purpose is to reconcile and exploit occultism and mysticism for the benefit of the Project and all humanity. The CWG-aligned and trusted list is much bigger than just five guys: Kendrick Mead was on this list, for instance, as is Mystic Kate. So is Roger's buddy from Point 1, Joe Robertson, as is Mildred Wilcox. All of the six commando detachments (platoon-size) under Capt. Prentice are on the org charts as totally loyal to the CWG, as are the flyboys doing the surveillance and electromagnetic zapping in the stratosphere. There's also a secret team managing the "abduction" ops made up of NLP experts, glyphic experts, and memeticists; they are operating out of Wright-Patterson in Ohio and their first confirmed field op was the abduction last night in Point 1. Those folks would have to be very CWG-trusted to be experimenting on American civilians like that.

Charley also extracted a bunch of data about CWG technical assets from a disc identified by Mitch; the specs on the EM generators that are used to open and close the subduction zones, ikoter specifications to be used on the civilians being kidnapped for the UFO memetic implantations, etc. But there is a mention of something that Charley picks out as very interesting, and that has to do with the abduction teams. There is a mention of how physical implants to track the abductees may also be called for in some cases, and these implants should follow the protocols "developed at the Stanford Research Institute using our mobile robotic surgical suites and electronic occipital lobe interface processors/the data processing and storage elements obtained by Operation WISHING WELL in Palo Alto."
