The Madness Dossier
Operation URIEL
A game of high weirdness, ontological warfare, and office politics set in 1970s California.
The Club
There’s a thing that we all in URIEL have in common. You, me, Roger, Jocasta, Archie. I thought that was everybody who had it, but Charley has it too.
— Mitch’s Debrief with Marshall
Mitchell Jefferson Hort
Roger Martin ∙ Jocasta Menos
Archibald Ransom ∙ Marshall Redgrave
Genevieve Abeille ∙ Charley Helix
201 Files
The Central Intelligence Agency also uses the term “201 File” to refer to their own personnel records used for analogous purposes.
Human Assets
I can remember when our organization put the question to me. In that moment, I felt like I was making a choice, but now when I look back, I realize I was already in all this, up to my neck. And I’ll bet some of the other folks sitting here feel sort of the same way.
The classically ‘70s apophenic and paranoiac impulse of “everything is true” is a rule of thumb in this campaign.
Secure Archives
Behind this door are a suite of cubicles, a cozy glassed-in reading room and library, and several TMDS terminals hooked into the Livermore Time Sharing System and, as of February of 1973, the nascent ARPANET.