Archie at the Helm
Alone at the watchtower in Huntsville, Archie talks with his old friend Hobo Stan and implements memetic controls at ALLOCHTHON.
Marshall has some frank discussions • He also brokers a deal with Sidney Gottlieb and the CWG • URIEL gets to work righting the ALLOCHTHON ship • Mitch does a magic trick • Archie brings Hilary into the fold • Roger, Mitch, and Charley are dispatched to Pascagoula • It’s a real media circus down there • Marshall and Morris fly to White Sands to find Jocasta
URIEL’s preliminary assessment of the data trove mined by Charley from ALLOCHTHON’s computer system.
URIEL confronts OZYMANDIAS • The Devil gets his due • Archie delivers a stern rebuke • Compromises are made • The game board changes • The truth of ALLOCHTHON is (partially) revealed • Mitch works his magic • Charley hijacks the computers • Jocasta takes Reinhardt’s corpse on a road trip
Creeping Towards Danger
Forewarned by Maman Brigitte, URIEL races to find Marshall before he cocks everything up.
Crocodile Rock
Marshall, Archie, and Morris take a guided tour of the Alligator Effigy Mound in Granville, Ohio.
Lady Alexandrine
Roger does some paperwork before seeking counsel from Lady Erzulie Dantòr at Judy’s Shrimp Shack.
Mitch Visits a Gift Shop
Left for the reader: the question of how plausible it is that Redstone Arsenal would have a gift shop with stationery sets in 1973.
Watch the Skies!
Kendrick Mead, Head of Field Memetics for ALLOCHTHON, distributes a white paper about the UFO memeplex.
Business at Point 7
Archie and Marshall learn about a UFO sighting in nearby Xenia, Ohio, and tap the remote viewers at SRI for intel on the ALLOCHTHON subduction zones.