The Solstice Party
URIEL sorts out the aftermath of ALLOCHTHON • Marshall meets Terence McKenna • Turns out McKenna is special • Marshall, Mitch, and Jocasta drop acid and watch a comet • Everyone dreams
Viv and Marshall Escalate
Viv and Marshall exchange words about the potential recruitment of Terence McKenna to the Mission. Then, Zeb has a heart attack.
A Wild Party
Archie, Jocasta, and Viv attend a psychedelic be-in at the apartment of Terence McKenna.
Jo Gets a Surprise Invite
Terence McKenna invites Jocasta — and Archie! — to a little shindig at his place.
URIEL implements the Atlantis LARP • The con divides into teams • Viv — sorry, the Council — gives a stirring speech • Archie, as Director Sebastian Stone, delivers some wise words of encouragement to his agents • Jocasta — Maurdunn — meets Terence McKenna • Marshall babysits Andy with the cavalry • The teams explore the warped reality of the upper floors