URIEL convenes to discuss their next moves • Problems are categorized by degree • The decision is made to recruit Patty Hearst • Andy pitches a treatment to Archie • Jocasta helps put Elsie at ease and learns a bit more about the Bohemians • Roger attends a gang summit in South Central • Mitch picks up radio interference … on a laser mic?
Archie and Mitch get a drink with George Washington • Not that George Washington • Though this one looks like the Comte de Saint Germaine • Roger returns to action, undercover • Marshall learns more about Jolly West’s experiments • A new picture of History emerges • Jocasta and Roger ferret Tania and the SLA out of San Francisco • And abduct an old woman
A Noble Calling
Archie has the talk — not that talk, the other one — with his eldest daughter Jane.
A Normal Day at the Zoo
Jocasta takes Charley out to the zoo for a completely normal and uneventful day of sight-seeing.
Jocasta’s Still With Her
In a vision (?) of a future, an elderly Jocasta hosts a fundraiser for her Candidate, which is rudely interrupted by a pair of homicidal psychopaths demanding to know about a certain Anthony Reinhardt.
Charley Makes a Break for It
Having learned that the chip in her head is nearly full, Charley attempts to make a daring escape but, coincidentally, bumps into Mitch.
Roger’s Blackout
Roger wakes to find himself at home, with only dim memories of what he — or was it him? — did the night before.
Papa Legba saves Jocasta from an explosive situation • URIEL hones in on Frank • And find school bus route maps in his apartment • Marshall spots Frank at a depot • Roger and Mitch are in pursuit! • Roger runs into car troubles • It’s a high speed chase through downtown San Francisco • Mitch incinerates Frank with his mind
Archie and Marshall Deal with the Examiner
After the San Francisco Examiner publishes the bomber’s demand letter, Archie and Marshall invite themselves into the editorial suite to run damage control.
Roger and Mitch Investigate the Pyramid
Mitch and Roger poke around the Transamerica Pyramid to see what they can learn about the mysterious bomber.