
Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant


URIEL convenes to discuss their next moves • Problems are categorized by degree • The decision is made to recruit Patty Hearst • Andy pitches a treatment to Archie • Jocasta helps put Elsie at ease and learns a bit more about the Bohemians • Roger attends a gang summit in South Central • Mitch picks up radio interference … on a laser mic?

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Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant


Archie and Mitch get a drink with George Washington • Not that George Washington • Though this one looks like the Comte de Saint Germaine • Roger returns to action, undercover • Marshall learns more about Jolly West’s experiments • A new picture of History emerges • Jocasta and Roger ferret Tania and the SLA out of San Francisco • And abduct an old woman

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Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant


Archie, Mitch, and Marshall receive an esmological briefing • Jocasta, under cover, meets Donald DeFreeze • And makes secret arrangements to subvert the SLA • Marshall and Mitch investigate Roger’s whereabouts • They find a duffel bag full of iPhones • Also: Roger, malnourished and worked to the point of exhaustion in Charley’s old lab • Harry Houdini says hi

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Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Nine, Live Session Brant Casavant


Jocasta goes undercover • Mitch has a strange confrontation • Marshall tries to cheer him up with some cocaine • Archie interrogates an ailing Ambrose Bierce • Dan Miller shows up at Shasta • The Dragon Lady makes an appearance

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Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant


Roger and Jocasta visit a UFO crash site • Jocasta goes night-diving on acid • Mishipeshu, the Underwater Panther, feasts • SANDMAN recovers a prop saucer and a pair of weird crystals • Archie and Marshall meet Agent RAVEN • “Lily” is reunited with “Rose” • URIEL hands off Sidney Gottlieb and Jolly West • Jocasta dreams of the Pure Tongue

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Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant


URIEL reassembles • And quickly splits up again • The field team investigates the site of a future controversial landmark in Georgia • Marshall has a conversation with Mystic Kate • OPEC declares an oil embargo • The field team arrives in Newark, Ohio • Jocasta finds herself at the other end of a causal time loop

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Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant


Roger sits in on a police interrogation • Mitch finds a gagkula on the beach • Charley practices her astral projection • Jocasta and Marshall interrogate a motel clerk about Alpha Leonis • Roger, Mitch, and Charley delve deeper into the mind of Calvin Parker • Who delivers a message to Mitch

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Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant


Marshall has some frank discussions • He also brokers a deal with Sidney Gottlieb and the CWG • URIEL gets to work righting the ALLOCHTHON ship • Mitch does a magic trick • Archie brings Hilary into the fold • Roger, Mitch, and Charley are dispatched to Pascagoula • It’s a real media circus down there • Marshall and Morris fly to White Sands to find Jocasta

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Live Session, Mission Eight Brant Casavant Live Session, Mission Eight Brant Casavant


URIEL confronts OZYMANDIAS • The Devil gets his due • Archie delivers a stern rebuke • Compromises are made • The game board changes • The truth of ALLOCHTHON is (partially) revealed • Mitch works his magic • Charley hijacks the computers • Jocasta takes Reinhardt’s corpse on a road trip

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Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant


Roger catches a glimpse of a bona fide UFO • URIEL reassembles in Huntsville • The team shares their discoveries • And debates the spiritual angle of ALLOCHTHON • Word reaches HQ of an “alien abduction” in Pascagoula, LA • Marshall gets tapped by OZYMANDIAS

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Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant


Archie and Marshall blanket the Columbus noosphere with patriotic memetics to sedate a nervous populace • Jocasta tells Charley what she’s learned about southern Illinois • Charley investigates the Kincaid mounds • And invents motion-detection technology • Then she travels into the Deep Astral • Mitch bears witness to a mass proxy baptism, of sorts

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Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant


URIEL arrives in Huntsville, AL • It’s a Sandman convention! • Archie and Marshall have a curious conversation with Dr. Hilary Postel • Kendrick Mead and Dr. Sidney Gottlieb explain the situation • Charley takes a sneak peek at some confidential data • URIEL is disbanded and dispatched to various parts of the USA

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Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant


Roger returns from his month-long op at Granite Peak • But is uncertain if his penance has appeased his loa patrons • The Librarian’s also back! • Gents, she’s a whole new woman • URIEL learns a bit about Sophie’s experience at Project THROWAWAY • Jocasta leaves work early • And has a weird run-in with Patrick Price

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Mission Seven, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Seven, Live Session Brant Casavant


URIEL sets a trap for Christopher Butler • Charley is forewarned about a memetic contagion by Maman Brigitte • Mitch gives a guy heat stroke • URIEL invades Agrigenics only to find they’ve been outmaneuvered once again by OZYMANDIAS

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