
Operation ALLOCHTHON After-Action Report

Part I: Pragmaclast Shootdown and Retrieval

The presence of unidentified flying/terrestrial objects as a manifestation resulting from the actions of the Continuity Working Group was not merely memetic or illusory. Physical History B irruptions ensued at many of the subduction zones triggered by Operation ALLOCHTHON (see report of M. Hort, Point 10, 10-11 Oct; report of R. Martin, Point 1, 11 Oct; URIEL report, Point 5, 16 Oct). The History B irruptions ran the gamut from land vehicles whose purpose was to destroy trees/sacrifice humans, to the more traditional "UFO/flying saucer" form seen at/over numerous ALLOCHTHON sites. Orders were given from ALLOCHTHON HQ to engage and bring down one of the vehicles, and on the evening of 18-19 Oct, this mission was successful.

The vehicle sighted over Mansfield, Ohio registered by local taisher personnel as strongly History B aligned (although there were detected some strong local fluctuations in strength of History B energy during the engagement, shootdown, and retrieval process). Four live irruptor entities were detected within the vehicle by taishers prior to and during shootdown; no physical evidence of such entities was found upon salvage of the object's fuselage in Charles Mill Lake. It is theorized that the irruptors within (believed by taishers to be kulullû, but not with 100% confidence) were killed and subsequently uncreated upon closure of the remaining local subduction zones and the commensurate lack of History B belief energy to sustain them.

Remaining behind after reversion were a series of pragmaclasts that are baffling and intriguing in their implications. Two large crystals remained in the wreckage of the UFO, as well as (relatively) intact portions of the craft found in both the lake and the nearby debris field which defy expectations set by most past engagement with History B vehicular objects as well as prior design, artistic/cultural, and linguistic precepts/assumptions about History B as it exists in permanent pragmaclastic retrocreations seen to this point.

The Red Crystal

At what is believed to be the rear propulsive end of the UFO, a shaped, faceted, crystalline pragmaclast approximately 18 cm in diameter with a ruby red color was retrieved. Taisher and psychic analysis confirms that the crystal is psychically powered and focused. Experimentation with physic activation confirmed the pragmaclast has anti-gravitic propulsive properties, but Project psis were not able to activate to a power level equivalent to what was observed in the field. Current theories suggest that the crystal is highly keyed to non-human or otherwise unique psychic imprints.

The Green Crystal

In the assumed nose of the UFO was mounted a similarly-sized (but differently-shaped and -faceted) green crystal. It is presumed this crystal was the source of the green beam that bathed Army National Guard Huey which first spotted the UFO. This pragmaclast was also examined by Project taishers and was found to be more easily (and powerfully) activated than the Red Crystal. Overall effect of the beam seemed to be a psychotronic effect similar to an ikoter; human test subjects of the green crystal under laboratory test conditions experienced missing time and false and/or confused memories. Psi personnel triggering the crystal could not induce behaviors with the beam but could implant illusory memories in test subjects.

The Debris/Script

The debris field left after SANDMAN gunships engaged and brought down the UFO consisted of two primary materials: a thin, metallic outer layer of the vehicle which was chemically analyzed and found to be a metallized polyethylene similar to those found at crash site MOGUL in 1947. Likewise, the inner structure of the craft appeared to be made of a polymerized wood resembling debris from the crashed craft at site MOGUL. Many of these plasticized-wood struts (believed to be made of wood harvested from a species of Betula) bear a series of characters imprinted and embossed upon them. These characters do not resemble any writing system seen before in History B artifacts, either glyphic or cuneiform-derived. The script includes over 300 distinct characters reminiscent of but not wholly resembling those from Western occultism, astrology, and alchemy; various Semitic-derived script systems; Greco-Cyrillic; Demotic and Coptic; the ancient Irish Ogham alphabet; Nordic and Anglo-Saxon rune systems; the Deseret alphabet promulgated by the early Mormon church in the mid-19th century; and many other as-yet unidentified symbols. Computer analysis performed by linguistics and cryptography personnel indicate high likelihood of a cipher present, but without context or knowledge of the language used, frequency analysis was inconclusive. Taishers analyzing these debris pieces assert and insist that they originate from History B and contain power as a standard pragmaclast; psis using Shard Sight instinctively sense that the writing does bear some sort of ontological-cohesive importance to the larger structure of the craft, as if "the words were holding the whole thing together," direct quote.

The Craft

The majority of the craft fuselage was lifted from the bottom of Charles Mill Lake and taken to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. As mentioned, the craft, other than the two crystals, appears to have all the earmarks of a fragile kite or rigid/semi-rigid-body dirigible; a largely empty craft kept aloft through psychic control of the red gem's propulsive properties. No further psi-crystalline structures were found inside, nor were any keel controls or other indications of customary crew control. The interior of the craft was largely collapsed in upon underwater. As mentioned, there was no sign of crew, either Irruptor or humanoid, when divers went in to photograph the craft in situ.


The evidence left behind by this final physical irruption of Operation ALLOCHTHON is, as previously mentioned, highly reminiscent of the 1947 event near Roswell, New Mexico (site MOGUL). A tough, resilient metallized polyethylene was found there as well, and retroengineered by Project skunkworks for use in domestic military (and eventually civilian) applications. Likewise, pieces of debris were found there with, as mentioned by contemporary reports, "hieroglyphics" imprinted upon them. Whether both these objects, in 1947 and 1973, were created by the Anunnaki and/or piloted by Irruptors is still unconfirmed, as no evidence of crew remains was found at site MOGUL either. Given the eimic-historical implications of Operation ALLOCHTHON (see Part II below), it cannot be overlooked that there is a possibility that both these craft represent some hitherto-unseen and uncontacted rival faction within History B that either opposes or somehow co-exists along with the Annunaki and their irruptor (and presumed human) servants, or indeed that these pragmaclastic remnants are manifestations of a separate and distinct memetic-ontological origin.

Part II: Mound-Builders; Metempsychosis and the Anunnaki; Implications of Ontoclysm in North America

The Mound-Builders

It is clear from the Continuity Working Group's research and records that the twelve sites of Operation ALLOCHTHON were chosen because of their unique properties. Notably, all twelve zones possessed the nearby presence of pre-Columbian structures commonly termed "mounds." These mounds (in the quasi-historical pre-Ontoclysm record) were the homes for pre-Columbian groups' dead, much like pre-Ontoclysm burial mounds in the Old World. The CWG believed these mounds acted as "hedges," keeping subduction zones contained and stable. The CWG released a meme within Operation ALLOCHTHON to keep researchers from investigating and thus disturbing the equilibrium inherent in such protective hedges. In the manifestation of subduction zones during Operation ALLOCHTHON, it soon became clear that the presence of the mounds and the dead was a double-edged sword, one that could be taken active advantage of by agents of the Enemy.

To wit, in two locations, the "souls" of the dead could be sensed by Project psis as being led astray by the forces of History B. Near Point 10, the gravesites of dead white settlers from the early 19th century were physically disturbed and subsequently there was a taisher sighting of what seemed like human thoughtforms being led by a psychopompic History B entity. Furthermore, there was evidence at Points 1, 6, and 12 of extranormal structures, observed either physically or psychically, that seemed to trap or otherwise hold these postmortem thoughtforms and belief energy. These "soul traps" were a reserve of belief energy for the Anunnaki trying to opportunistically further open and widen the subduction zones triggered by the CWG. When the "souls" were freed or the alien structures destroyed, this reserve of belief was exhausted and the zones closed.

Metempsychosis and the Annunaki

It is currently unknown how the Annunaki were able to take claim over these souls, but it is theorized according to observations from taishers and psis on the ground that these souls were being led away from a traditional role as tribal protectors, or that these souls' cultures had had their cultural memory wholly erased within History A and thus lacked protective belief to keep their postmortem purpose and existence intact. The dead of these "lost tribes," it is theorized, had lost their own internalized belief matrix which most prominently focused on their role in the afterlife as civic and cultural protectors. Thus, they were vulnerable to Annunaki memetic predation.

The ramifications of this theory, combined with certain other theories about the cultural and linguistic state of pre-Ontoclysm North America (see below), are such that it will require the research arm of Project SANDMAN to henceforth bend its efforts forcefully towards the following in the coming months and years:

  • a deeper understanding of the nature of sentient awareness, consciousness, and most importantly memetic belief after physical human death, and how the matrix of material enshrinement and spiritual/belief power among a society's dead and living affects the Annunaki

  • a redoubled effect to find SANDMAN psi assets who can sense, communicate with, or otherwise move or convince the dead to avoid Annunaki interference and recruitment

  • a deep and cohesive anthropological study of how contemporary Americans' and Westerners' internalized beliefs (or lack thereof) in an afterlife might render a society vulnerable to Annunaki predation postmortem

  • and a program of memetics that could be applied in America and the West, utilizing the knowledge of these ancients—and specifically their use of landscape architecture, institutionalized religious belief, and burial and enshrinement of the dead—as a holistic cultural method of memetic protection from Anunnaki subversion of reality.

Further prescriptions from Control regarding the work of the Continuity Working Group in this area

The (preliminary and fragmentary) work and experimental data of the CWG in these areas (see Part III below), barring of course the kind of ontologically dangerous experimentation inherent in Operation ALLOCHTHON, is worth the Project's collecting, analyzing, and expanding upon in future, despite the CWG's disbandment. The CWG believed that small communities, within a wholly psychically and memetically-sealed ecosystem, including the fostering of psionic or "shamanic" powers among the populace and a commensurate respect for the community's dead as a wellspring of collective cultural and memetic memory and authority, could indefinitely stand against the Kings, even in an ontology where the Kings had retroactively always ruled. While the fatalism of the CWG's approach must be rejected as an instrument of the Kings, the potential of humanity, standing squarely and confidently with its deceased forebears and ancestors to resist the Kings, should not be overlooked.

The Implications of the Ontoclysm in North America

Since the Lord Duncorne accidentally discovered the existence of the Anunnaki while searching for the lost city of Larak in 1888, archaeologists of the Duncorne Foundation have pieced together the true history of the planet Earth and the . The falsity of human history as perceived and recorded since roughly 535 AD is a known, proven, attested-to fact and has been supported through the continuing collection of historical/archaeological/linguistic evidence for 85 years. The Ontoclysm-as-event is not up for debate. What has been up for debate since the Duncorne Foundation's beginnings is the nature of human history prior to the Ontoclysm and whether contemporary irruptions truly reflect a contemporaneous, presently existing-in-parallel History B.

Pragmaclasts and encounters with irruptors suggest that the Anunnaki personally ruled over some part, and not the entirety, of the planet Earth prior to the Ontoclysm. Physical and linguistic remnants that reflect History B prior to the Ontoclysm are most often seen "where that [Anunnaki] Empire rested longest – Mesopotamia, Palestine, possibly Greece or India – its imprint remains visible, if distorted." Pragmaclastic remnants dug up in the Americas, in Oceania, and in some parts of the Far East bear little artistic, archeological, cultic, or otherwise cultural similarity to the main bough of Indo-European cultural memetics seen in subductions, reality quakes, and pragmaclast finds in Afro-Eurasia.

If we accept that Annunaki neurolinguistic engineering, whether immediately prior to the foundation of what is commonly called "Western civilization" in Mesopotamia roughly 6000 years ago, or, further back, between eight and twelve thousand years ago in Central Asia or Anatolia, it must be asserted that only a fraction of the overall human population pre-Ontoclysm was rendered vulnerable to Anunnaki manipulation through neurological programming or linguistic infiltration. Why a race so obviously technologically and psychically superior to humanity would limit its rulership over humanity to roughly half of the species' population and the planet's surface area is unknown at this time. But what can be clearly discerned is that the Annunaki presence on planet Earth was absent or limited in scope on a significant portion of the planet prior to the Ontoclysm.

The history of what is now called the indigenous or Native American population of the Americas is still cloaked in controversy among mainstream anthropologists and archaeologists. The precise specifics of the waves of human migration that populated the Western hemisphere are unknown, due mostly to the lack of a written record among American populations (which may in and of itself provided Native populations with the ability to resist later Anunnaki infection, see below) but are largely believed to have happened over a span of centuries (or millennia) roughly contemporaneous with the Anunnaki arrival in the Near East. Dating the earliest signs of human habitation of the Americas has largely challenged SANDMAN archaeologists as well. Anomalous finds and cultural memory are suggestive of successive waves of migration pre-535 AD. And if the Anunnaki presence on the American continent was limited or wholly absent prior to the Ontoclysm, it stands to reason that the Ontoclysm had less of an impact on the American continents, and thus the areas in the Americas where the Ontoclysm did create ontological uncertainty (in the form of subduction zones) were already somehow lightly infected by Anunnaki memetics.

And yet, there are subduction zones in the Americas not triggered wholly by novel, autochthonous History A belief in or memetic infection by the Annunaki. These zones—evident thanks to various Native tribes' oral histories and mythologies as well as physical artifacts—existed prior to any post-Ontoclysm European settlement and the bringing of Annunaki potentiality via neurolinguistics to the New World. Therefore, it is now theorized that prior to sea voyages by legendary figures such as St. Brendan (whose purported legendary voyage, it should be noted, occurred right around the time of the Ontoclysm), or historical figures like Leif Erickson and Christopher Columbus, that small "colonies" of humans from an Anunnaki-influenced Afro-Eurasia did migrate to the Americas via means unknown, and their cultural exchange with the Natives infected some nearby tribes (but importantly not all) with the potentiality for their memories and perceptions to be affected by an eventual Ontoclysm. It is furthermore theorized that the protective mounds, full of the bodies and the spirits of the dead and thus used as "hedges" against alien belief, may have been erected in response to the coming of these colonists and the evident existential danger they posed to pre-contact American societies.

Whether or not a parallel History B exists purely as potentiality and thus has progressed to the point where the Anunnaki have fully settled the Americas is, therefore, moot. The effects of subductions in the Americas recorded since human awareness of the Annunaki clearly demonstrate that the Annunaki, their servants, and their architecture can manifest just as easily in New York City as in Baghdad given correct and sufficient belief. But any effort to find, in the entirety of the Native population of the Americas, a salve or foolproof weapon agains the Red Kings is doomed to failure, simply because it is not known which American tribal groups and linguistic isolates harbor the protective qualities of, say, Danbe or other language isolates from Australasia and Oceania. But the findings of Operation ALLOCHTHON on this front do suggest there were tribes who resisted thanks to linguistic or social isolation from Afro-Eurasian human or Annunaki colonists, and that often they were physically wiped out (post-Ontoclysm) by neighboring Native populations for obscure cultural-memetic reasons; i.e., they would not accept subsumption culturally or in terms of cultural practice and were wiped out linguistically, culturally, and memetically.

The cultural and memetic residue of this pre-Ontoclysm visitation or "colonization" of the Americas, according to some Project scholars of the Ontoclysm, seems to have produced an eimic echo in post-Ontoclysm history in the form of European colonization and control of the American continents. The memetic echoes are prominent: an accidental cultural contact between isolated populations that creates a deadly alien infection that wipes out a long-established history; some tribal populations resist more readily than others; others become allies of convenience due to societal weakness created by the alien infections, etc.

This set of theories—that contact between cultures inevitably leads to linguistic co-infection that renders isolated populations more vulnerable to Anunnaki influence—is still controversial within the Project. The Continuity Working Group's belief that increased contact between world cultures, caused by the universalizing effects of Jet Age transportation and global telecommunications, would accelerate an eventual Red King victory should be readily acknowledged here, but not taken as a fait accompli. It is just as easy to envision a global monoculture that, instead, banishes the Anunnaki from the human mind forever, and this, too, is and should be considered one of the Project's long-term goals (ref. the Continuity Working Group's proposed Project PSAMETIC).

Part III: The Continuity Working Group: Disposition, Elimination, and Reorganization

For the purposes of this report, the mission of the SANDMAN committee commonly termed "the Continuity Working Group," nor its activities in triggering Operation ALLOCHTHON need not be belabored, reiterated, or relitigated in any great detail. The Group's purpose and overriding goals have been discussed both in the group's own operating documents and in Operation URIEL's reports to Control. This after-action report will, however, note that the Group's triggering of the subduction zones in Operation ALLOCHTHON was a direct and heinous violation of axiomatic Project protocols/operating procedures regarding History B, and no excuses can be made for this, "experimental" or otherwise. The Enemy is confirmed to have used the events of Operation ALLOCHTHON not only to opportunistically spread their memetics (see Part V below) but also to have retrocreated Irruptive entities and materiel parasitically upon or directly in the place of CWG personnel and materiel. (See case files JOSEPH ROBERTSON at Point 1 and case files MARK DENTON, PAUL MCNALLY, NEAL HATCH, and ROBERT BACH at Operation GOLDPAN/Point 5). Quite simply, any extant independent project or remaining personnel independently loyal to the mission of the CWG should be considered at this point enemies of the Project and final sanction with extreme prejudice is both acceptable and mandated on the part of any SANDMAN personnel who might encounter continuing CWG-run remnant operations.

The members of the so-called "Steering Committee" (see attached documentation) of the Continuity Working Group have all accepted demotion within Project SANDMAN or mandatory civilian retirement by order of Control as of Saturday, 20 October 1973. In their civilian work, none of the former Steering Committee members are permitted to work directly with Project personnel or materiel (with one temporary exception, seen below). One member of the Steering Committee, Lt. Col. Anthony Barnes Reinhardt, is missing presumed dead; his reports regarding his long-proposed Project DAMARU were never submitted. If found, these researches should be considered infected with Enemy memetics, isolated, and brought to Granite Peak or another memetic isolation/quarantine facility immediately for computer analysis and destruction.

Other former CWG projects—including but not limited to Operation URIEL, the Indigo Project (and its predecessors/proposed successors), elements of Operation AUGEGOTTES, etc (see attached documentation).—will either be disbanded or reorganized under the direct supervision of Control and observed by elements of Granite Peak esmology for a probationary period of no less than one year from this date (1 Nov 1974). Personnel with Indigo designation not already granted civilian cover and retirement will remain at CWG Steering Committee member Andrija Puharich's Ossining, New York facility until appropriate permanent retirement covers are devised.

The Continuity Working Group's dangerous, memetically-contagious belief in the inevitability of enemy victory did indeed both originate from and result in Enemy subversion. Neutral esmological data was interpreted in such a way as to provide no escape from an inevitable eschaton. In the words of the URIEL Continuation Document (22 Oct 1973), "The psychic tension of this dilemma engendered a kind of panicked fatalism in the CWG; it 'ceased doubting itself [and] abandoned belief in the possibility' of any other outcome." It is believed that these pessimistic memetics have leaked into the broader culture via the same "futurist-technocratic/New Age" venues which the CWG itself sought to bring onside for their use in a post-Second Ontoclysm world. These memetic strains must be rooted out and inoculated against in the Western public in the years to come, so that the CWG's purpose does not memetically survive among civilians following the Group's material elimination.

(I will not be detailing the "attached documentation" mentioned above re: CWG personnel and projects right at this moment, but suffice to say they'll collectively comprise an investigation-and-possible-hit-list for URIEL during the time jump and afterwards)

Part IV: Operation URIEL: Continuation, Commendations, Requests for Information

First and paramount: proposal submitted to Control by Operation URIEL Director-designate Dr. S. Marshall Redgrave 22 Oct 1973 has been discussed at Control level; proposal is approved. New operational mission statement also approved, with the proviso that other Project-wide research, HUMINT, SIGINT, and PSYINT goals as delineated in this report are also integrated into URIEL's mission.

The performance of and actions taken by URIEL personnel in uncovering the History B-tainted roots of Operation ALLOCHTHON, against institutional resistance, explicitly obfuscatory CWG memetics, and the weight of ALLOCHTHON's own Project-backed authority, should be commended. This kind of independent thinking, concerted resistance to memetics, and dedication to unconventional team dynamics is precisely the set of operational parameters desired in a Project team. URIEL's willingness to think outside of a limited or privileged ontological and strategic framework enabled this team to uncover a conspiracy that could have wreaked long-term havoc on Project SANDMAN and the long-term survival of the human race in the face of Enemy action. To this end, the members of Operation URIEL, as well as certain other Project personnel who aided them (see files MEAD, PARKS, POSTEL), are to be awarded the Project's Distinguished Service Medal, its highest honor for living SANDMAN operatives, as well as a salary bonus, higher pay grade, security clearance, and other active service benefits as detailed in attached documentation.

It has been brought to Control's attention that the members of Operation URIEL, during the calendar year 1972 (see files EDELSTEIN, HORT, MARTIN, RANSOM, REDGRAVE), were subjected to the effects of a major pragmaclast used by a member of the Continuity Working Group, Anthony Reinhardt, to remove team members' memories of Reinhardt's active presence as an adjunct member of URIEL for that calendar year. The use of this pragmaclast on Project personnel was and remains explicitly prohibited and this specific action, upon Control's review of post-ALLOCHTHON technical interview of CWG Steering Committee members, was taken without the Steering Committee's knowledge or approval. The long-term effects of exposure to this pragmaclast and removal of these memories are not known, but the Project retains the power to restore these memories safely using psychotronic techniques and provide both preparatory and post-restoration care to allow for re-integration of these memories into agents' conscious minds. This process would be undertaken at Granite Peak under controlled conditions. If any of the above members of URIEL wish to proceed with this memory restoration, Control would ask that they agree to a detailed technical interview regarding the events of ALLOCHTHON and other field missions as reported to Granite Peak over calendar year 1973. This offer is open indefinitely and can be accepted at any time.

Part V: Post-ALLOCHTHON Memetic and Esmological Analysis

In its preparation and execution of Operation ALLOCHTHON, the Continuity Working Group sought to take advantage of the appearance of aerial irruptions over the twelve subduction zones for two purposes: 1) to cloak and to lend memetic weight to the CWG's plans to "awaken" History A human psionic talents through the memeplex of alien visitation as implemented through wide-array ikoters and stealth aircraft, and 2) to memetically heighten and increase overall esmological tensions that would accelerate both wider development of psi talents and to increase the American population's acceptance and awareness of a society and world accelerating towards collapse. The Mead white paper on the UFO memeplex demonstrates how ancient this set of memes are within humanity, going back, it is believed, all the way to purported god-visitations in pre-Ontoclysm Mesopotamia. "Abduction" scripts were found in Project facilities run by the CWG in which civilian abductees were made to believe they were given messages by alien beings on "how to help save humanity from war, pollution, famine, and pestilences in the coming Last Days." The overall memetic planning of the CWG for this long-term included finding esmological "linchpins"—individuals with great charisma and talent at communication and otherwise emotionally moving the masses—and making them believers in an overall memeplex that the end of the world is coming and that special, talented humans must prepare the way for humanity's survival. The History B taint on this memeplex is substantial, and the Project has determined that UFO belief, as a memeplex, while it may never be stamped out among humanity, should never be used by the Project again in this fashion. Esmological models predict an 87.3% certainty that CWG use of these memetics may have enabled the more overt irruptions at Points 1 and 7 and in the proximity of Point 5 during the two weeks of Operation ALLOCHTHON.

The impact of this overall "UFO flap" long-term must be examined. It is clear that release of the details of the Pascagoula case to the public before URIEL's and AUGEGOTTES Director Ransom's memetic intervention, as well as the physical evidence around Mansfield, Ohio on the evening of 18-19 Oct, will live on beyond ALLOCHTHON at the national level. But post-operational memetics can be used to paint the two abductees in Pascagoula as well as incidental witnesses in Ohio (and throughout the Eastern United States) as harmless kooks. In addition, the cover of Operation NICKEL GRASS and associated airlifts to Israwl among the armed forces will provide explanations for the witnessing of lights in the sky near major defense installations.

Overall societal instability in the face of the Mideast conflict and subsequent oil embargo may increase esmological instability in America in the days, weeks, and months to come, so a wide-spectrum plan of memetics meant to combat any synergistic Enemy memetics around a) the Middle East qua Middle East (biblical prophecy), b) American political and economic decline, c) UFOs and other paranormal unexplained happenings, and d) specifically eschatological concerns should be given highest priority by Director Ransom in his new role as director of North American memetic media operations.


Charley’s Homework


Mission Statement