Patrick Price

Retired member of the Burbank Police Department and authentic psychic, specializing in empathic remote viewing. Jocasta's research into “Pat,” as he prefers to be called, turned up the following:

PATRICK HAROLD PRICE (b. 1918): The records for Mr. Price show that he was a local elected official, police officer, police detective, and police commissioner in Burbank, California. Retired in 1970 to Lake Tahoe (a very popular retirement destination for LA cops) but still does business in both Northern and Southern California, still in touch with the law enforcement community generally (speaks at dinners, visits Burbank regularly, etc.). One thing that comes with the dossier is a series of local Burbank news clippings of Price's appearances in local Southland newspapers, usually for a quirky story about his trademark "hunches" on cases that have led to high case clearance numbers, and his love of fly fishing, meditation, and "cloud busting," i.e. weather control with the powers of his mind. You know, in '66, '67, '68, the kind of stories they'd do in LA about a "Zen police detective," that kind of thing.

Pat can sense "important" things that have happened at specific locations even without any foreknowledge of the locations themselves. He has used this power to purchase several pieces of property in the area recently dubbed "Silicon Valley U.S.A." by local tech journalist Don Hoefler. He does not yet know their significance, but believes they will be monetarily valuable in the future.

Early in his career, Pat failed to apprehend a serial killer known as the La Cienega Strangler. Thanks to his latent psychic abilities, he knew the identity of the culprit, but did not act on his instincts. After that:

I sat in bars trying to blot out my mind and make the visions go away, for fear of being called crazy or worse, an accomplice. They 'caught' the guy eventually; shot him in his lair. But not before he killed one more kid. I could've done something. I didn't. And that day I was gonna take my last drink, go to a bridge over the LA Reservoir, and take a header onto the concrete 50 feet below. But I didn't get a chance.

"Because as I was about to do it, I got an honest-to-God visitation from the Virgin Mary Herself. Blessed be Her name."

Pat’s vision of the Virgin Mary was, in fact, Jocasta, who had transported some astral version of herself back in time by using her psychometric abilities on Pat’s old detective badge, coupled with a heavy dose of LSD. Jocasta — the Virgin Mary — found Pat as he was getting thrown out of a rank dive bar, completely soused, raving about his visions and damning a cruel and malicious God. She told Pat to look for the “man with the cards” at the “Institute.”

Fast forward fifty years, and Pat bumps into Mitch at SRI. Despite his reservations, Mitch grew to like Pat, an affable guy who really wanted to be of use, important, part of the “big game.” URIEL granted his wish. These days he is affiliated with SCANATE, borderline friends with Russ Targ and Harry Puthoff — two of the world’s preeminent experts on psychic phenomenon — and a closely-held asset of URIEL, who have used his remote viewing abilities on several occasions.